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The Academy’s motto is Veritas, Decorum, Virtus. This Latin motto, meaning Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, was chosen to express the Academy's commitment to teaching students to love what is true, to love what is beautiful, and to do what is good. This goal requires parent/guardian support along with an educational program that focuses on moral literacy or great books. The Academy intentionally selects its curriculum to cultivate a moral character (ethos), an ordered love of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. The Academy firmly believes that the pursuit of this goal will help all students grow to become the best version of themselves. 

Veritas ( Truth )


A classical education teaches students to love what is true. God is The Truth, and He should always be at the center of the conversation.  God provided humanity with the gift of speech. Is there anything else so worthy of its exercise than the communication of truth? There is only one Truth, and students must learn to love and follow Truth in a culture that will tell them that there is no objective truth. 

Decorum (Beauty)


A classical education teaches students to love what is beautiful. Decorum includes the visible beauty displayed in art, music, architecture, etc. It also includes the invisible beauty revealed in actions that are honorable and respectable. God is Beauty, and students must learn to recognize and love Beauty in a culture that believes that beauty may be found apart from God.               

Virtus (Goodness)


A classical education teaches students to do what is good. Virtus can also be translated as ‘Courage,’ and doing what is good often requires courage. Truth and Beauty call upon Courage to defend them. All are instructed to don the Armor of God, to be Milites Christi (Soldiers of Christ), and to have Courage in His Name. It is the Academy's desire that each student heeds the words of the Holy Bible – “be not afraid” – and acts virtuously as a Christ to others.              

When a student is educated in authentic Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, the conventional question to our youth
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
is left wanting and is replaced with
"How do you plan to share your time and talents?'"― M. Beaver
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